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Our Story

Visible Press was founded by Taleh Baghiyev in January 2020. We aim to publish quality books in English covering areas other publishers do not address – or address only scantily. We selected the name ‘Visible’ carefully: on the one hand, we intend to make visible, within the frame of English medium publishing, countries and cultures that have too long been invisible, or glimpsed only indistinctly through the Western lens. Within the idea of globalism, we consider communication between cultures is of paramount importance, to exchange ideas and values, and appreciate the diversity of human experience. Because English will continue for some time yet, we believe, as the global lingua franca, even as the geopolitical sun is setting over some parts of the world and rising over others, English is our chosen medium.  We also like the concept of visible learning – encouraging learners to become their own teachers, and teachers to evaluate different learning impacts on their students. High quality published materials can support this style of education, we feel, especially when the publisher is eagerly responsive to teachers’ and learners’ needs. The eye of our logo represents our focus. Our colours stand for our cheerfulness and optimism. We are Visible!

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